Consultancy services
Assessing investment design conformity;
Carrying out building supervision;
Supplying consultancy services, in the area of:
- Preparing complex reports on the assessment of compliance with the significant requirements to construction sites, according to the design documentation;
- Coordinating the design documentation with the operation and control bodies;
- Ensuring the issuance of Building Permits.
- Starting a construction site legally;
- Preparing complete acts and protocols in the progress of construction;
- Performing construction and erection works, according to the technical requirements, based on the approved designs;
- Carrying out control over the compliance with the occupational safety conditions in the progress of construction;
- Ensuring environmental protection;
- Preventing the injury of third persons and the damage of property, caused as a result of the construction works;
- Requiring quality building materials and products to be used and checking if such materials and products are actually used;
- Ensuring the serviceability of the construction site for commissioning;
- Preparing technical certificates;
- Preparing the appropriate documentation which is necessary to obtain a Use Permit;